Publié le Vendredi 31 janvier 2014 à 10:20:00 par Cedric Gasperini
Battlefield 4 : Encore une mise à jour...
Juste une mise au point...
Une nouvelle mise à jour - encore - pour Battlefield 4 vient de sortir. Elle concerne la vesion PC. Et elle corrige, une nouvelle fois, un bon paquet de problèmes, plus quelques améliorations notables pour le jeu...Au choix, on citera l'amélioration des performances du CPU et du GPU (processeur et processeur graphique), l'amélioration de l'utilisation de processeurs multi-coeurs, l'amélioration des performances sous carte AMD, et différents bugs comme la croix de visée qui avait tendance à disparaître.
Voici la liste, en anglais, de toutes les améliorations apportées par ce patch. En attendant le prochain... dans une ou deux semaines ?
Mantle Support
The new Mantle renderer has been added in Battlefield 4. Most players can expect a performance increase by using this new low-level graphics API. Check out this news post [] for the full details on Mantle, what the requirements are to run it, and how to enable it.
CPU/GPU performance and monitoring
-Tweaked and improved CPU multi-core utilization to try and avoid stuttering and low framerate due to stalls that happened on some CPU and OS configurations.
-Users can now configure and control themselves how many CPU cores should be used in the game with the new “Thread.MaxProcessorCount” settings in User.cfg.
-“Render.DrawScreenInfo 1” now also shows information about which CPU and GPU is in the system, how many GPUs & CPU cores are used and which renderer (DirectX 11 or Mantle) is active
-Added new “PerfOverlay.FrameFileLogEnable” command that records frame times on CPU & GPU and logs out to a .csv file
-AMD Catalyst driver 13.12 (or later) is now recommended instead of 13.9
-Enabled tile-based compute shader lighting optimization on Nvidia for improved GPU performance (already active on AMD GPUs)
-Improved performance with rendering and spotlights for all GPUs, primarily in in-door environments
DMR Balance Tweaks
-Increased the damage of all DMRs across all ranges. Specifically, damage has been increased at long ranges to allow three-hit kills against unarmored opponents. Additionally, reduced the penalty to accuracy for sustained DMR fire, allowing more rapid follow up shots in combat. The amount of the damage increase varies from weapon to weapon, according to its intended range, rate of fire, and damage. We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of DMRs in combat, and determine if additional action is needed to make DMRs a viable mid to long range weapon.
Other Items
-Significantly reduced the duration of the black screen when spawning in, and fixed the issue with players getting killed before being in-game
-Greatly reduced the risk of crosshairs disappearing, which would also result in hit markers disappearing
-Added a headshot icon on the killcard. This should help identify instances where players are correctly killed by one shot
-Fixed an issue in Squad Deathmatch where the “Win/Lose” text was overlapping
-Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the SOFLAM
-Fixed an issue with players using an exploit for the MAV
-Fixed the gameplay code to properly track the FOV (Field of View) changes in the options menu
-Fixed an issue where chat would break when entering "false" or "true" in the chat window
-Fixed an out-of-helicopter glitch in Air Superiority where players could spawn on the ground and play as infantry
-Fixed the misaligned crosshairs on the T90 MBT
-Added setting to tweak joystick dead zone
-Various minor crash fixes
Inscrit le 27/04/2009
Voir le profil
Il ne s'agit pas juste de correction de bugs, mais surtout de l'ajout de "Mantle". Un produit AMD qui permet d'optimiser les performances de nos PC dans plusieurs jeux. Aujourd'hui c'est BF4, avec des gains annoncés jusqu'à 40%. Une dizaine d'autres jeux fonctionnant avec le moteur graphique "Frostbite" en bénéficieront cette année.
Sachant cela, je ne pense pas qu'il soit nécessaire de critiquer (encore) ces améliorations...
PS : Sources PCinpact article du 30/01/14.
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Inscrit le 18/03/2011
Voir le profil
Améliorer les perfs d'un jeu buggué ne le rend pas forcément plus jouable

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