Publié le Lundi 19 juillet 2010 à 08:30:00 par Cedric Gasperini
Un patch majeur pour Dragon Age Origins
Moins de bugs, plus de plaisir
BioWare a annoncé la sortie d'un patch majeur, dans la journée, pour Dragon Age Origins. Sur PC.Il est terminé sur Xbox et PS3, mais est actuellement soumis à l'approbation de Microsoft et Sony. Il sortira donc sur ces supports plus tard.
Voici la liste, en v.o., des très nombreuses corrections apportées par ledit patch :
General Fixes
• Daggers will now properly assign the dexterity-based damage bonus
• Achievement images and messages will now display properly.
• Resolved some authorization issues with downloadable content.
• Blood talents from the Grey Warden Base premium downloadable content will now work properly in Awakening.
• Fixed an issue where installing new downloadable content would occasionally leave the "Other Campaigns" selection greyed-out without a restart of the game.
• Multiple transitions in and out of Fade areas will no longer multiply the number of visual effects running and slow down gameplay.
• Floating numbers no longer appears over players' heads.
• Damage statistics will now be updated properly on the Inventory screen when weapons were unequipped.
• Importing a character to a new module from a savegame that did not have the hero in the party caused the game to crash.
• If a character is imported into Dragon Age: Awakening and is stripped of their incompatible gear from DLC, they will be equipped with default equipment.
• Names with accents and special characters will now show up correctly in the Story So Far load hints.
• Switching between Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Awakening will no longer reset options to default settings.
• Fixed a number of memory leaks that were increasing the number of crashes
• Audio drivers were causing a number of audio-related crashes. As such, audio drivers have been updated.
• Fixed issues that were preventing portraits from being uploaded to the BioWare social site.
• Game saves on Xbox 360 were being corrupted if you sold too many items to the same merchant. Saves will no longer be corrupted if you do this.
• Screenshots are no longer automatically uploaded on the PC by default on new installations.
• Fixed pick-pocketing. Characters were successfully stealing, but not receiving any items.
Dragon Age: Origins Fixes
• Fixed an issue that would cause incorrect characters to occasionally appear in Morrigan's ritual.
• Players who rescued their party members in the Fade of the Broken Circle plot were still forced to fight the sloth demon alone. This has been resolved.
• It is no longer possible for the player to get blocked during gameplay by pursuing both candidates' quests in the Orzammar plot line.
Dragon Age: Awakening Fixes
• A variety of bugs were preventing personal quests from triggering and causing issues with party member approval have been fixed.
• Lillith will no longer repeatedly thank the player at Vigil's Keep after being rescued.
• During the Assault on Amaranthine, a bug would occasionally make some enemies invincible, which impeded game progress. This no longer happens.
• Imported rogue characters will now properly detect traps.
• The message, "Legacy tattoo asset do not use!" will no longer appear on the faces of imported characters.
• Masterpiece and paragon silverite runes are now weapon runes instead of armor runes.
• The masterpiece slow rune is now available for purchase from merchant stores.
• Players may now receive notes of appreciation from their Origins love interests.
Inscrit le 10/09/2009
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Le gameplay est très différent entre les deux versions ?
3142 Commentaires de news
Inscrit le 27/04/2009
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Une bonne raison d'y rejouer sur Xbox tiens. Et de me le prendre sur PC.
Je l'ai depuis presque 6 mois et je n'y ai pas encore vraiment joué, ça à l'air sympa et prenant, mais j'ai peur d'y passer trop de temps, et puis ce qui m'embête un peu c'est le système de combat...
2481 Commentaires de news
Inscrit le 29/10/2009
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Sur PC, la seul chose qui change vraiment c'est que tu te fais pas chier niveau barres d'attaques, tu as une longue barre en bas de l'écran, façon World of Warcraft, où tu peux mettre presque toutes tes attaques et tes sorts alors que sur Xbox tu dois passer par la roue de sorts vu que tu n'as que 6 cases.
En tout cas ce jeu est un régale
2009 Commentaires de news
Inscrit le 05/05/2009
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1134 Commentaires de news
Inscrit le 27/04/2009
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356 Commentaires de news
Inscrit le 28/04/2009
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ca fait juste 6 mois que y'avait besoin, quoi...
allez un pretexte pour que je le ressorte sur mon ordi et ma box (comme si j'avais besoin d'une excuse pour y jouer et rejouer à celui la)
1645 Commentaires de news
Inscrit le 28/04/2009
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Bah pour le coup, ce fut foireux!
Enfin fini le jeu, mais bon ...
1114 Commentaires de news
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