Publié le Samedi 6 mars 2021 à 10:00:00 par Cedric Gasperini, les soldes du week-end
Petite semaine
Comme d'habitude, nous vous proposons de découvrir quels jeux sont en soldes sur le site Comme d'habitude, nous vous avons collé en gras nos préférences. Alors faites-vous plaisir et offrez-vous une plongée dans les hits du bon vieux temps...Les soldes de la semaine :
- Age of Wonders
- Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne
- Age of Wonders 3
- Age of Wonders 3 - Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Deluxe Edition
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Premium Edition
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Season Pass
- Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic
- Aggressors: Ancient Rome
- Battle Brothers
- Battle Brothers - Beasts & Exploration
- Battle Brothers - Warriors of the North
- Battle Isle Platinum (includes Incubation)
- Battle Isle: The Andosia War
- BATTLETECH - Mercenary Collection
- BATTLETECH - Season Pass
- Bionic Dues
- Combat Mission: Afrika Korps
- Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin
- Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord
- Company of Crime
- Disciples 2 Gold
- Disciples: Sacred Lands Gold
- Drive on Moscow
- Eador. Masters of the Broken World
- Eador: Genesis
- Egypt: Old Kingdom
- Elven Legacy Collection
- Etherlords
- Etherlords 2
- Fantasy General II - Invasion
- Fantasy General II: Empire Aflame
- Fantasy General II: Onslaught
- Field of Glory II
- Field of Glory II: Immortal Fire
- Field of Glory II: Medieval
- Field of Glory II: Rise of Persia
- Field of Glory II: Wolves at The Gate
- Field of Glory: Empires
- Field of Glory: Empires - Persia 550-330 BCE
- Fort Triumph
- Freedom Force
- Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich
- Gary Grigsby's War in the East
- Gary Grigsby's War in the East: Don to the Danube
- Gary Grigsby's War in the East: Lost Battles
- Gary Grigsby's War in the West
- Gary Grigsby's War in the West: Operation Torch
- Heroes Chronicles: All Chapters
- Heroes of Might and Magic®
- Heroes of Might and Magic® 2: Gold
- Heroes of Might and Magic® 3: Complete
- Heroes of Might and Magic® 4: Complete
- Heroes of Might and Magic® 5: Bundle
- Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
- Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak - Expedition Guide
- Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak - Khaaneph Fleet Pack
- Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak - Soban Fleet Pack
- Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Soundtrack
- Homeworld: Emergence
- Homeworld® Remastered Collection
- Homeworld® Remastered Soundtrack
- Imperialism
- Imperialism 2: The Age of Exploration
- Invisible Inc.
- Invisible Inc: Contingency Plan
- Jagged Alliance
- Jagged Alliance 2
- Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY
- King's Bounty: Dark Side
- King's Bounty: Dark Side - Premium Edition Upgrade
- King's Bounty: The Legend
- King's Bounty: Warriors of the North
- King's Bounty: Warriors of the North - Complete Edition Upgrade
- Marble Age: Remastered
- Möbius Front '83
- Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
- Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Deluxe Edition
- Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Fan Edition
- Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden - Fan Edition Upgrade
- Mutant Year Zero: Seed of Evil
- Northgard
- Northgard - Brundr & Kaelinn, Clan of the Lynx
- Northgard - Himminbrjotir, Clan of the Ox
- Northgard - Lyngbakr, Clan of the Kraken
- Northgard - Nidhogg, Clan of the Dragon
- Northgard - Sváfnir, Clan of the Snake
- Northgard - Svardilfari, Clan of the Horse
- Order of Battle: Allies Defiant
- Order of Battle: Blitzkrieg
- Order of Battle: Burma Road
- Order of Battle: Endsieg
- Order of Battle: Kriegsmarine
- Order of Battle: Morning Sun
- Order of Battle: Panzerkrieg
- Order of Battle: Red Star
- Order of Battle: Red Steel
- Order of Battle: Red Storm
- Order of Battle: Rising Sun
- Order of Battle: Sandstorm
- Order of Battle: U.S. Marines
- Order of Battle: Winter War
- Order of Battle: World War II
- Panzer Corps 2
- Panzer Corps 2 General Edition Upgrade
- Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1939
- Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - 1940
- Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations - Spanish Civil War
- Panzer Corps Gold
- Panzer General 2
- Panzer General 3D Assault
- Predynastic Egypt
- S2: Silent Storm Gold Edition
- Sengoku Jidai GOLD
- Shadow Watch
- Sid Meier’s Pirates!
- Sid Meier’s Railroads!
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri™ Planetary Pack
- Sid Meier's Civilization IV®: The Complete Edition
- Sid Meier's Civilization® III Complete
- Steel Division 2
- Steel Division 2 - Commander Deluxe Edition
- Steel Division 2 - Commander Deluxe Pack
- Steel Division 2 - General Deluxe Edition
- Steel Division 2 - History Pass
- Steel Division 2 - Total Conflict Edition
- Strategic Command Classic: Global Conflict
- Strategic Command Classic: WWI
- Strategic Command Classic: WWII
- Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe
- Strategic Command WWII: World at War
- Strategic Command: European Theater
- Strategic Command: World War I
- The Bureau: XCOM® Declassified™
- Urtuk: The Desolation
- XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack
- XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack
- XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
- X-Com: Apocalypse
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack
- X-Com: Enforcer
- X-Com: Interceptor
- X-COM: Terror from the Deep
- X-Com: UFO Defense
- XCOM® 2
- Xenonauts
- Retro Classix: Heavy Barrel
- Retro Classix: Two Crude
- Retro Classix: Gate of Doom
- Retro Classix: Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja
- Retro Classix: Super BurgerTime
- Retro Classix: SRD - Super Real Darwin
- Retro Classix: Express Raider
- Retro Classix: Bad Dudes
- A New Beginning: Final Cut
- Ash of Gods: Redemption
- Ash of Gods: Redemption Digital Deluxe Upgrade
- Atlantis : Secrets d'un Monde Oublié
- Atlantis 2: Beyond Atlantis
- Atlantis III : Le nouveau monde
- Blacksad: Under the Skin
- Caravan
- Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today
- Deponia
- Deponia 2: Chaos on Deponia
- Deponia 3: Goodbye Deponia
- Deponia 4: Deponia Doomsday
- Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
- Edna & Harvey: The Breakout - Anniversary Edition
- else Heart.Break()
- Fates of Ort
- Firewatch
- Gomo
- Gone Home
- Journey to the Savage Planet
- Journey to the Savage Planet: Hot Garbage
- Kim
- Kim - Soundtrack
- Last Day of June
- Late Shift
- Little Big Adventure (Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure)
- Little Big Adventure 2 (Twinsen's Odyssey)
- Long Live the Queen
- Mage's Initiation: Reign of the Elements
- Memoria
- Myst III: Exile
- Myst IV: Revelation
- Myst Masterpiece Edition
- Myst V: End of Ages Limited Edition
- Obduction ®
- Observation
- Out There: Ω Edition
- Out There: Ω Edition + Soundtrack
- Paradise Killer
- Paradise Killer Soundtrack
- Paradise Killer: Perfect 25 Edition
- Pathway
- Pathway - Official Soundtrack
- Post Mortem
- Randal's Monday
- realMyst: Masterpiece Edition
- Riven: The Sequel to Myst
- Röki
- Silence
- Silence Artbook
- Silence Soundtrack
- Sparklite
- Sparklite - Original Soundtrack
- Sparklite Deluxe Edition
- Stacking
- STASIS: Deluxe Edition
- STASIS: Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- State of Mind
- Still Life
- Still Life 2
- Stranded Sails - Explorers of the Cursed Islands
- Sword of the Necromancer
- Syberia
- Syberia 2
- Syberia 3: The Complete Journey
- Tacoma
- The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
- The Flower Collectors
- The Flower Collectors OST
- The Flower Collectors Soundtrack Edition
- The Great Perhaps
- The Guest
- The Labyrinth of Time
- The Last Tinker™: City of Colors
- The Longing
- The Manhole: Masterpiece Edition
- The Night of the Rabbit
- The Suicide of Rachel Foster
- The Whispered World: Special Edition
- TRI Original Soundtrack + Artbook
- TRI: Of Friendship and Madness
- TRI: Of Friendship and Madness – Deluxe Edition
- Uru: Complete Chronicles
- Vambrace: Cold Soul
- Vambrace: Cold Soul Soundtrack
- Virginia
- Voyage au Centre de la Terre
- Wanderlust: Transsiberian
- Wanderlust: Travel Stories
- Wanderlust: Travel Stories Soundtrack
- We Happy Few
- We Happy Few - Lightbearer
- We Happy Few - We All Fall Down
- Atomicrops
- Atomicrops Deluxe Edition
- Atomicrops Soundtrack
- Bad North: Jotunn Edition
- Bad North: Jotunn Edition - Deluxe Content
- Bad North: Jotunn Edition - Deluxe Edition
- Call of the Sea
- Call of the Sea Deluxe Edition
- Call of the Sea Original Soundtrack
- Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition
- Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition Soundtrack
- Dandara: Trials of Fear Enhanced Edition
- GoNNER Soundtrack
- GoNNER: Press Jump To Die Edition
- GONNER2 Lose Your Head Bundle
- GONNER2 Soundtrack
- GONNER2 The Full Ikk Edition
- Kathy Rain
- Kingdom Two Crowns
- Kingdom Two Crowns Original Soundtrack
- Kingdom Two Crowns Royal Edition
- Kingdom: New Lands
- Kingdom: New Lands Royal Edition
- Kingdom: New Lands Soundtrack
- Mosaic
- Mosaic 1% DLC
- Mosaic 1% Edition
- Mosaic Soundtrack
- Night Call
- Night Call Deluxe Edition
- Night Call Soundtrack
- Per Aspera
- Per Aspera Art Book
- Per Aspera Audiobook
- Per Aspera Deluxe Edition
- Per Aspera Original Soundtrack
- Star Renegades
- Star Renegades Deluxe Content
- Star Renegades Deluxe Edition
- Star Renegades Soundtrack
- The Art of Call of the Sea
- The Signifier
- The Signifier Deluxe Edition
- The Signifier Soundtrack
- West of Dead
- West of Dead - Crow DLC
- West of Dead - Path of the Crow Edition
- West of Dead Soundtrack
- Whispers of a Machine
- Whispers of a Machine Blue Edition
- Whispers of a Machine Soundtrack
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