Publié le Samedi 16 janvier 2021 à 10:00:00 par Cedric Gasperini, les soldes du week-end
Pour bien commencer l'année
Allez, comme chaque week-end, l'excellent site nous livre ses soldes du moment. Comme chaque week-end, on vous a mis en gras nos préférences. Vous n'avez plus qu'à cliquer et acheter !Les soldes de la semaine :
- 80 Days
- Agarest: Generations of War
- Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
- Banner Saga
- Banner Saga - Soundtrack
- Banner Saga 2
- Banner Saga 2 - Deluxe Edition
- Banner Saga 2 - Soundtrack
- Banner Saga 3
- Banner Saga 3: Deluxe Edition
- Banner Saga 3: Eternal Arena
- Banner Saga 3: Legendary Edition
- Banner Saga 3: Soundtrack
- Banner Saga 3: Survival Mode
- Battle Brothers
- Battle Brothers - Beasts & Exploration
- Battle Brothers - Warriors of the North
- Blackwell Bundle
- Blackwell Epiphany
- CivCity: Rome
- Costume Quest
- Dawn of Man
- Deus Ex 2: Invisible War
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director’s Cut
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™ DLC - Season Pass
- Deus Ex™ GOTY Edition
- DISTRAINT: Deluxe Edition
- Frostpunk
- Frostpunk: Game of the Year edition
- Frostpunk: Season Pass
- Galactic Civilizations III
- Gemini Rue
- Her Story
- Heroes of Might and Magic®
- Heroes of Might and Magic® 2: Gold
- Heroes of Might and Magic® 3: Complete
- Heroes of Might and Magic® 4: Complete
- Heroes of Might and Magic® 5: Bundle
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds GOTY
- King's Bounty: Dark Side
- King's Bounty: Dark Side - Premium Edition
- King's Bounty: Dark Side - Premium Edition Upgrade
- King's Bounty: The Legend
- King's Bounty: Warriors of the North
- King's Bounty: Warriors of the North - Complete Edition
- King's Bounty: Warriors of the North - Complete Edition Upgrade
- Little Inferno
- Master of Orion
- Master of Orion 1+2
- Master of Orion 3
- Master of Orion: Collector's Edition
- Master of Orion: Collector's Edition Upgrade
- Master of Orion: Revenge of Antares Race Pack
- Night Call
- Night Call Deluxe Edition
- Night Call Soundtrack
- Populous™
- Resonance
- Rise of Industry
- Settlers® 3: Ultimate Collection
- Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper
- Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments
- Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis - Remastered
- Sherlock Holmes: Secret of the Silver Earring
- Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened - Remastered
- Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind
- Star Control I & II
- Star Control III
- Sudden Strike 2 Gold
- Sudden Strike 3
- Sudden Strike 4
- Sudden Strike 4 - Africa: Desert War
- Sudden Strike 4 - Finland: Winter Storm
- Sudden Strike 4: Complete Collection
- Sudden Strike 4: Road to Dunkirk
- Sudden Strike 4: The Pacific War
- Sudden Strike Gold
- Sunless Sea
- Sunless Sea: Zubmariner
- Sunless Skies
- The Bureau: XCOM® Declassified™
- The Darkside Detective
- The Flower Collectors
- The Flower Collectors Soundtrack Edition
- The Lion's Song
- The Settlers® 2: 10th Anniversary
- The Settlers® 4: Gold Edition
- The Settlers®: Bâtisseurs d'Empire - Gold Edition
- The Testament of Sherlock Holmes
- Warcraft I & II Bundle
- Warcraft II Edition
- Warcraft: Orcs and Humans
- Whispers of a Machine
- Whispers of a Machine Blue Edition
- Whispers of a Machine Soundtrack
- Wingspan
- Wingspan Soundtrack
- Wingspan Special Edition
- XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack
- XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack
- XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown Complete Pack
- XCOM® 2
- Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition
- Aven Colony
- Aven Colony - Soundtrack
- Cooking Simulator
- Cooking Simulator - Cooking with Food Network
- Dead In Vinland
- Dead In Vinland - Endless Mode: Battle Of The Heodenings
- Dead In Vinland - Norse Side Stories
- Dead in Vinland – The Vallhund
- Door Kickers
- Door Kickers: Action Squad
- Door Kickers: Action Squad Two-pack
- Draugen
- Draugen Collector's Edition
- Gone Home
- Kholat
- Lake Ridden
- Lake Ridden OST
- Mosaic
- Per Aspera
- Per Aspera Deluxe Edition
- Project Highrise
- Project Highrise: Architect's Edition
- Project Highrise: Brilliant Berlin
- Project Highrise: Las Vegas
- Project Highrise: London Life
- Project Highrise: Miami Malls
- Project Highrise: Tokyo Towers
- Realpolitiks
- Realpolitiks - New Power
- Realpolitiks IIEN DEV
- Tacoma
- The First Tree
- Thief Simulator
- Transport Fever
- Transport Fever 2
- Tropico 4
- Tropico 4 - Complete DLC Pack
- Tropico 5
- Tropico 5: Complete Collection
- Tropico 5: Complete Collection Upgrade
- Tropico 6
- Tropico 6 - Caribbean Skies
- Tropico 6 - Lobbyistico
- Tropico 6 - Spitter
- Tropico 6 - The Llama of Wall Street
- Tropico 6 El Prez Edition
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Amazon River DLC
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Greenland DLC
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Japan DLC
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Kariba Dam DLC
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Moraine Lake DLC
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator - New Fish Species DLC
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Sakura® Lures DLC
- Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Thailand DLC
- Urban Empire
- Where The Water Tastes Like Wine
- Where The Water Tastes Like Wine Official Soundtrack
- Nine Parchments
- Nine Parchments Soundtrack
- Trine 2: Complete Story
- Trine 2: Soundtracks & Artbooks
- Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power
- Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Soundtrack
- Trine 4: Melody of Mystery
- Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
- Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince Soundtrack
- Trine Enchanted Edition
- Trine Soundtrack
- Trine: Ultimate Collection
- Book of Demons
- Book of Demons - Collector's Content
- Cat Quest
- Cat Quest II
- Children of Morta
- Din's Curse
- Din's Curse: Demon War
- Enclave
- Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition
- Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition - Lilith the Necromancer Pack
- Grim Dawn
- Grim Dawn - Ashes of Malmouth
- Grim Dawn - Crucible
- Grim Dawn - Forgotten Gods
- Grim Dawn - Loyalist Item Pack
- Hammerwatch
- Heroes of Hammerwatch
- Heroes of Hammerwatch: Pyramid of Prophecy
- Heroes of Hammerwatch: Witch Hunter
- Lords of the Fallen Game of the Year Edition
- Sacred Gold
- Shadows: Awakening
- Shadows: Awakening – La malédiction du nécrophage
- Shadows: Awakening – Legendary Armory Pack
- Shadows: Awakening - The Chromaton Chronicles
- Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms
- Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms Soundtrack
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
- The Surge
- The Surge - A Walk in the Park
- The Surge - Augmented Edition
- The Surge - CREO Special Employee Kit
- The Surge - The Good, the Bad and the Augmented Expansion
- Two Worlds Epic Edition
- Two Worlds II: Call of the Tenebrae
- Two Worlds II: Echoes of the Dark Past
- Two Worlds II: Echoes of the Dark Past 2
- Two Worlds II: Epic Edition
- Undead Horde
- Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
- Zombasite
- Zombasite: Orc Schism
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