Publié le Samedi 30 novembre 2019 à 10:00:00 par Cedric Gasperini : les jeux en soldes pour le week-end
Samedi noir
C'est le Black Friday aussi sur Plus de 2000 jeux sont en soldes. Autant dire qu'on ne vous les a pas tous mis, parce que bon, on a un peu autre chose à faire, que vous ne liriez pas, et que le mieux reste quand même d'aller jeter un oeil par soi-même.On vous a quand même fait un petit listing, histoire de vous donner quelques idées...
Quelques exemples de soldes du Black Friday : Haimrik
- Virginia
- Reus
- Anodyne
- On Rusty Trails
- Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
- Sanctuary RPG: Black Edition
- Battlevoid: Harbinger
- 1954 Alcatraz
- A New Beginning: Final Cut
- Anna's Quest
- Blackguards Special Edition
- Caravan
- Deponia
- Deponia 2: Chaos on Deponia
- Deponia 3: Goodbye Deponia
- Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
- Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
- Gomo
- Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition est à 0,89 €
- Unreal Tournament GOTY est à 0,89 €
- Unreal 2: The Awakening Special Edition est à 0,89 €
- Memoria
- Night of the Rabbit, The
- Randal's Monday
- The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
- The Whispered World: Special Edition
- Epic Pinball: The Complete Collection
- Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection
- Jazz Jackrabbit Collection
- Stronghold Crusader 2
- Stronghold Crusader 2: Special Edition
- Prodigy Tactics
- Ultimate General: Gettysburg
- Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition
- Lilly Looking Through
- Noctropolis
- Space Rogue Classic
- The Original Strife: Veteran Edition
- The Fall
- Basingstoke
- Teslagrad
- Blood & Gold: Caribbean!
- Eador. Masters of the Broken World
- Goetia
- Fear Effect: Sedna
- Fear Effect: Sedna Collector’s Edition
- We are the Dwarves
- Combat Chess
- Disciples: Sacred Lands Gold
- Enemy Engaged: Apache vs Havoc
- Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum
- FlatOut
- Ghost Master
- O.R.B.: Off-World Resource Base
- Patrician 3
- Port Royale 2
- Strategic Command: European Theater
- Warrior Kings
- Warrior Kings: Battles
- Fist Puncher
- Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
- Breach & Clear
- Breach & Clear: DEADline Rebirth
- Hard Reset Redux
- Hard West
- Hard West Collector's Edition
- Hard West Collector's Pack
- Pathologic Classic HD
- Zombie Night Terror
- Beyond Divinity
- Divine Divinity
- Divinity 2: Developer's Cut
- Divinity: Dragon Commander
- Divinity: Dragon Commander Imperial Edition
- Divinity: Dragon Commander Imperial Edition Upgrade
- Unreal Gold est à 0,89 €
- Unreal Tournament GOTY
- Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor's Choice Edition
- Unreal 2: The Awakening Special Edition
- Singularity™
- TimeShift™
- Ether One Redux
- Ether One Redux Deluxe Edition
- Ether One Redux Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Consortium 2019 REBALANCE
- Overload
- Overload - Anniversary Level Pack
- Overload - Community Level Pack
- Independence War Deluxe
- Requiem: Avenging Angel
- Tachyon: The Fringe
- Chaser
- Eradicator
- Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut
- Q.U.B.E. 2
- Q.U.B.E. 2 Original Soundtrack
- Q.U.B.E. 2 Season Pass
- Red Faction
- Red Faction 2
- Paranautical Activity Deluxe Atonement Edition
- Crusader: No Regret™
- Crusader: No Remorse™
- Maize
- Hard Reset Redux
- Void Bastards
- Void Bastards: Bang Tydy
- Descent
- Descent 2
- Descent 3 + Mercenary
- Descent: Freespace Battle Pack
- Starpoint Gemini 3EN DEV
- Starpoint Gemini 3: Supporter BundleEN DEV
- Starpoint Gemini 3: Supporter Pack
- Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri
- Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
- Redneck Rampage Collection
- Shattered Steel
- Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
- Between the StarsEN DEV
- Between the Stars - Original Soundtrack
- Deliver Us The Moon
- Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior
- Raiden III Digital Edition
- Forager
- Star Trek™: Starfleet Academy
- Subwar 2050 Complete
- Megabyte Punch
- Daikatana est à 0,79 €
- Unreal Gold
- Freespace 2
- Mirror's Edge™ est à 4,59 €
- Cities in Motion
- Cities in Motion Collection
- Cities in Motion Collection Upgrade
- Europa Universalis
- Europa Universalis II est à 2,29 €
- Europa Universalis III Complete est à 2,59 €
- Europa Universalis: Rome Gold
- Europa Universalis III: Collection Upgrade
- For The Glory: A Europa Universalis Game
- Victoria Complete
- Tyranny - Gold Edition
- Tyranny - Deluxe Edition
- Tyranny - Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Tyranny - Standard Edition
- Tyranny - Tales from the Tiers
- Tyranny - Bastard's Wound
- Tyranny - Official Soundtrack Deluxe Edition
- Tyranny - Portrait Pack
- Pillars of Eternity: Definitive Edition
- Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition
- Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Expansion Pass
- Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Part I
- Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Part II
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