Publié le Samedi 19 octobre 2019 à 11:00:00 par Cedric Gasperini : les jeux en soldes pour le week-end
Du très très lourd
Encore un énorme week-end de soldes sur, avec une liste vraiment impressionnante de promos. Franchement, là, on vous en a mis quelques-uns en gras, mais il y en a beaucoup d'autres qui méritent votre achat.Allez jeter un coup d'oeil de toute urgence.
Les jeux Hearts of Iron sont en soldes à -75% :
- Hearts of Iron
- Hearts of Iron II Complete
- Hearts of Iron III
- Sword of the Stars : Complete Collection
- Darkest Hours : A Hearts of Iron Game
- Darksiders Warmastered Edition est à 4,09 €
- Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition
- Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Soundtrack
- Darksiders Blades & Whip Franchise Pack
- Darksiders III
- Darksiders III - Digital Extras
- Darksiders III - Keepers of the Void
- Darksiders III - The Crucible
- Darksiders III Deluxe Edition
- Act of War: Gold Edition
- Alien Nations
- Alone in the Dark: The Trilogy 1+2+3
- Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare
- AquaNox
- AquaNox 2: Revelation
- ArcaniA
- ArcaniA: Fall of Setarrif
- Battle Chasers: Nightwar
- Battle Chasers: Nightwar Digital Extras
- Battle Worlds: Kronos
- Black Mirror
- Black Mirror 2
- Black Mirror 3
- Black Mirror Digital Extras
- Carmageddon: Max Damage
- Carmageddon Max Pack
- Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now
- Chaser
- Codename Panzers: Phase One
- Codename Panzers: Phase Two
- Dark Fall: The Journal
- Dark Fall 2: Lights Out
- de Blob
- de Blob 2
- Delta Force
- Delta Force 2
- Delta Force Xtreme
- Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Platinum Pack
- Delta Force: Land Warrior
- Delta Force: Task Force Dagger
- Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
- Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge
- ELEX Digital Extras
- Expeditions: Conquistador
- Expeditions: Viking
- Expeditions: Viking Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Fade to Silence
- Full Spectrum Warrior
- Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers
- Gothic
- Gothic 2 Gold Edition
- Gothic 3
- Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods Enhanced Edition
- Helldorado
- Imperium Galactica
- Imperium Galactica II: Alliances
- Impossible Creatures
- Legend of Kay: Anniversary
- Men of Valor
- Monster Jam Steel Titans
- Nations Gold Edition, The
- Neighbours From Hell Compilation
- Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
- Outcast 1.1
- Painkiller Black Edition
- Painkiller: Overdose
- Panzer Elite Special Edition
- Pax Imperia - Eminent Domain
- Rebel Cops
- Red Faction
- Red Faction 2
- Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered
- Red Faction Guerrilla Soundtrack
- Silver
- SpellForce Platinum
- SpellForce 2 - Anniversary Edition
- SpellForce 2: Demons Of The Past
- SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny
- SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny - Digital Extras
- SpellForce 2: Faith in Destiny - Scenario Pack
- SpellForce 3
- SpellForce 3 Digital Extras
- SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest
- SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest - Digital Extras
- Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
- Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Soundtrack
- Summoner
- SuperPower 2
- Tachyon: The Fringe
- The Black Mirror
- The Book of Unwritten Tales
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
- The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 Almanac Edition
- The Book Of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles
- The Dwarves
- The Dwarves Digital Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- The Guild 2
- The Guild 2 Renaissance
- The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas
- The Guild 3EN DEV
- The Guild Gold Edition
- The Raven Remastered
- This Is the Police
- This Is the Police 2
- Titan Quest Anniversary Edition est à 4,09 €
- Titan Quest: Atlantis
- Titan Quest: Ragnarök
- 15 Days
- Jagged Alliance: Rage!
- Lock's Quest
- Nexus: The Jupiter Incident
- Overclocked: Thérapie de Choc
- Rad Rodgers Radical Edition
- Sine Mora EX
- The Moment of Silence
- The Mystery of the Druids
- Airline Tycoon Deluxe
- Giana Sisters: Rise of the Owlverlord
- Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
- Red Faction: Armageddon
- Carmageddon TDR 2000
- MX vs. ATV Unleashed
- Soldiers: Heroes of World War II
- Konung 1 + 2
- Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
- Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
- Grimshade
- Grimshade Soundtrack
- ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game
- ATOM RPG - Supporter Pack
- Syndicate Plus™ est à 1,39 €
- Syndicate Wars™
- Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate
- Final Liberation: Warhammer Epic 40,000
- Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War
- Darklands
- Deadlock: Planetary Conquest
- Deadlock 2: Shrine Wars
- Lumo
- Lumo - Deluxe Edition
- Geneforge Saga
- Nethergate: Resurrection
- Jagged Alliance
- Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games
- Jagged Alliance 2
- Seven: Enhanced Edition
- Seven: Enhanced Collector's Edition
- Commandos Ammo Pack est à 2,69 €
- Commandos 2+3 est à 4,49 €
- Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
- Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus - Heretek
- Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus - Heretek+ Edition
- Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus - Omnissiah Edition
- Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
- Hearts of Iron
- Hearts of Iron II: Complete
- Hearts of Iron III
- Hearts of Iron III: DLC Collection
- Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection
- Rise of Industry
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Deluxe Edition
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Obsidian Edition
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Explorer's Pack
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Season Pass
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Seeker, Slayer, Survivor
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - The Beast of Winter
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - The Forgotten Sanctum
- Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Soundtrack
- Bad North: Jotunn Edition
- Bad North: Jotunn Edition - Deluxe Edition
- Bad North: Jotunn Edition - Deluxe Content
- Tower of Time
- Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest
- Avadon: The Black Fortress
- Avadon 2: The Corruption
- Avadon 3: The Warborn
- Avadon 3: Hint Book & Extras
- Avernum: The Complete Saga
- Avernum: Escape From the Pit
- Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
- Avernum 3: Ruined World
- Avernum 3: Hint Book & Extras
- Queen's Wish: The Conqueror
- Queen's Wish Hintbook & Extras
- Machinarium Collector's Edition
- Botanicula
- Botanicula Soundtrack + Art Book
- CHUCHEL Cherry Edition
- CHUCHEL Soundtrack + Art Book
- Samorost 2
- Samorost 3
- Samorost 3 Cosmic Edition
- Samorost 3 Soundtrack + Art Book
- Atlantis : Secrets d'un Monde Oublié
- Atlantis 2: Beyond Atlantis
- Atlantis III : Le nouveau monde
- Retour sur l’Ile Mystérieuse
- Dragon Lore : La Légende Commence
- Unmechanical: Extended
- Primordia
- Dreambreak
- Dreambreak Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Morphopolis
- Tormentum: Dark Sorrow
- TSIOQUE - Digital Artbook
- TSIOQUE - Original Soundtrack OST
- LIMBO est à 1,79 €
- INSIDE est à 6,29 €
- The Inner World
- Simon the Sorcerer: 25th Anniversary Edition
- Simon the Sorcerer 2: 25th Anniversary Edition
- The Dream Machine
- Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
- The Legend of Kyrandia (Book One)
- The Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate (Book Two)
- The Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge (Book Three)
- Kim
- Kim - Soundtrack
- Gomo
- Journey of a Roach
- The Whispered World: Special Edition
- Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
- Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
- Memoria
- The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
- Night of the Rabbit, The
- Anna's Quest
- A New Beginning: Final Cut
- 1954 Alcatraz
- The Great Perhaps
- The Longest Journey est à 2,29 €
- Another World 20ème anniversaire est à 2,29 €
- Dragonsphere
- The Witcher Adventure Game
- The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition est à 2,69 €
- Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Pass Extensions
- Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
- The Witcher: Enhanced Edition est à 1,39 €
- Witcher 3: Wild Hunt est à 8,99 €
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition est à 14,99 €
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone
- Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition est à 9,99 €
- Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition, The
- An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
- Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard, The
- Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition Deluxe, The est à 9,99 €
- Doom 3: BFG Edition
- Quake II: Quad Damage
- Quake III: Gold
- Quake: The Offering
- Quake 4
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- Wolfenstein 3D + Spear of Destiny
- Ultimate DOOM, The
- Fallout est à 4,49 €
- Fallout 2 est à 4,49 €
- Fallout Tactics est à 4,49 €
- Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition est à 9,99 €
- DOOM II + Final DOOM est à 4,49 €
- Age of Wonders
- Age of Wonders 2: The Wizard's Throne
- Age of Wonders 3
- Age of Wonders 3 - Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Age of Wonders 3 - Eternal Lords
- Age of Wonders 3 - Golden Realms
- Age of Wonders 3 Deluxe Edition
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Deluxe Edition
- Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Deluxe Edition Content Pack
- Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic
- BATTLETECH - Digital Deluxe Content
- BATTLETECH - Digital Deluxe Edition
- BATTLETECH - Flashpoint
- BATTLETECH - Mercenary Collection
- BATTLETECH - Season Pass
- BATTLETECH - Shadow Hawk Pack
- BATTLETECH - Urban Warfare
- Cities in Motion
- Cities in Motion Collection
- Cities in Motion Collection Upgrade
- Crusader Kings Complete
- Europa Universalis
- Europa Universalis II
- Europa Universalis III Complete
- Europa Universalis III: Collection Upgrade
- Europa Universalis: Rome Gold
- For The Glory: A Europa Universalis Game
- Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
- Hearts of Iron
- Hearts of Iron II: Complete
- Hearts of Iron III
- Hearts of Iron III: DLC Collection
- Imperator: Rome
- Imperator: Rome - Deluxe Edition
- Imperator: Rome - Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
- Imperator: Rome - Complete Soundtrack
- King Arthur Collection
- King Arthur II: The Role-Playing Wargame + Dead Legions
- Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition
- Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition
- Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Deluxier Edition Upgrade
- Majesty Gold HD
- Majesty 2 Collection
- Pillars of Eternity: Definitive Edition
- Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition
- Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Expansion Pass
- Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Part I
- Pillars of Eternity: The White March - Part II
- Prison Architect
- Prison Architect Aficionado DLC
- Sengoku
- Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition
- Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition Deluxe
- Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition Deluxe Upgrade
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
- Stellaris
- Stellaris: Apocalypse
- Stellaris: Complete Soundtrack
- Stellaris: Distant Stars Story Pack
- Stellaris: Galaxy Edition
- Stellaris: Galaxy Edition Upgrade Pack
- Stellaris: Humanoids Species Pack
- Stellaris: Leviathans Story Pack
- Stellaris: MegaCorp
- Stellaris: Plantoids Species Pack
- Stellaris: Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
- Stellaris: Utopia
- Surviving Mars
- Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe Edition
- Surviving Mars - Digital Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
- Surviving Mars - First Colony Edition
- Surviving Mars - Season Pass
- Surviving Mars - Space Race
- Surviving Mars - Stellaris Dome Set
- Surviving Mars: Colony Design Set
- Surviving Mars: Green Planet
- Surviving Mars: Marsvision Song Contest
- Surviving Mars: Project Laika
- Surviving Mars: Space Race Plus
- Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection
- Tyranny - Bastard's Wound
- Tyranny - Deluxe Edition
- Tyranny - Deluxe Edition Upgrade
- Tyranny - Gold Edition
- Tyranny - Official Soundtrack Deluxe Edition
- Tyranny - Portrait Pack
- Tyranny - Standard Edition
- Tyranny - Tales from the Tiers
- Victoria Complete
- Shadowrun Returns est à 3,39 €
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